The Walls are breached - Part 30

Monday Continued …

On entering the pol;ice station foyer three female in business suits were waiting. One approached Amanda saying "Madam Yao, CEO Hou arranged for us to come and meet you here. He said to call him and he would confirm information."

Amanda pulled out her mobile and called Hou Yi who quickly confirmed this but advised her that they had to provide a code word. Amanda turned back to the lawyer who spoke to her.

"Madam Yao, we forgot we need to give you code words. Yellow Gold"

"Green Chrome" can a second voice.

"Polka Dots" was the third voice.

Hou Yi on the other end of the phone heard the code words, and said to Amanda "That is correct, now ask them who sent them"

"Ladies I was told to ask you who sent you?"

"Alister Nang with bells on"

Amanda could hear Hou Yi laughing realising that she had gotten the answers that she as required. "OK Boss you want to make me look like an idiot."