Monday's Court Hearing - Part 9

Monday, continued …

Anna turned and saw that Lu Jinhu, was again struggling not to comment about the sentence. Yang Lin was grabbing him to stop any comment. She pointed out the reaction to Hou Yi, who could also see what was happening.

The Lu's Lawyer stood up "Sir, while we note that this is the penalty, we intend to appeal the part of the order that sentences Mr Lu to sixteen weeks home detention on the basis that this is excessive. I understand from speaking to the court this morning that an appeal would be heard within eight weeks, and we would suggest that an appeal date for that point be obtained immediately, however pending that appeal Mr Lu start serving his period of home detention."

Alister stood up "My clients have no objection, although we believe that sixteen weeks is a fair sentence of home detention."

The National Prosecutors lawyer then responded "We agree with Madam Hou and Hou Enterprises lawyer on this point. It is a sensible course of action."