Progress - Part 2

Wednesday, continued …

Just after 11am, Hou Enterprises.

Anna made her way across the foyer of Hou Enterprises in the company of three bodyguards, and took an elevator up to the top Level. One bodyguard was being nice and carrying her laptop and hand bag for her. As the Elevator arrived on the top Level, Hou Yi was standing there with a four other executives.

Given the arrival of the boss lady none of them were surprised that the boss was sidetracked, and they quietly entered the elevator figuring that they would await the boss in the foyer before going to their off site meeting.

Hou Yi leaned in and gave Anna a brief kiss. "Sweetheart …"

"All good news. They decided the case can come off on Friday, morning, and I have a physio appointment then. They will then for a few weeks wearing a 'moon boot', but I will not be able to walk with the aid of crutches until next week."

"Such good news, and the other appointment?"