Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 9

Wednesday, continued …

Having taken the hint from Anna, Hou Yi now decided to drive home what they knew. "Well, I would disagree CEO Lu. My wife and I have not only checked the official police website but three separate news websites. All have confirmed the same information."

After a short pause for dramatic effect Hou Yi Continued "Around 3am this morning a warehouse owned by Lu Corporaiton in the warehouse district was raided. As we all know warehouses there, if they are leased to someone other else, the owner must file with the government paperwork to confirm its leasing. No paperwork exists that confirms that the warehouse was leased to anyone. That means what was found in the warehouse links directly to Lu Corporation, or if you knew nothing about it means that you are incompetent to this extent."

Anna observed that at that comment CEO Lu was incensed, but he was holding back in speaking as he knew he needed to hear what was being said before retorting against Hou Yi.