Marking Time - Part 2

Thursday, continued …

"Additionally, we have the information that CEO and Madam Hou provided us with from the Lu Corporation Board meeting. We have started investigating the board members not surprised about what was exposed as being found during the raid. They have, through the same means that has been flowing most of the money from the club, been providing them with money as well. It also seems that those exact same channels are flowing them some money from the underage brothels as well."

"With the footage, audio and statement Mr Gan and Mr Mo and your associates there have obtained with the additional information Madam Yao through your discussions with the young recruits to the joint venture CEO's Hou and Yao have established with your companies we are going to conduct raids on the two identified sites on the weekend. We do not want to conduct the raids unless Lu Jingho and Rong Jingye are present inside one of them when we take it down."