A Threat? - Part 2

Monday, continued …

Anna also could see that her darling was also in shock. He could not seem to process that Du XuXu had resorted to violence as she had. Anna grabbed his hand and pulled him down to her level. Anna knew that when she dropped the microphone on the floor it was still on. Anna internally said to herself that the only way to mitigate this now was to talk about who may have put this in motion.

"Look at me Yi. This is not your fault, so do not blame yourself. While we do not have all the evidence that Du XuXu leaving the sanatorium was sparked either by a visit from CEO Lu or his wife when they were visiting various sanatoriums gathering information about helping children with mental health issues or reading about our marriage in the papers. The thing was, something that none of us could control caused her to flee. Promise me that you will not think that you are at fault."