
Sunday, continued …

After having been released from the police station Lu Jingho returned home to his shocked wife.

"How in the world did you get caught?" screamed Madam Lu.

"I have no idea. Someone had targeted the warehouses. While I would suspect Hou Yi and Yao Tan, what seemed to come out was it was not them. They had footage and recordings from inside, and the staff are not that dumb to have let those two in or someone connected to them."

"Damn it, what does it mean?"

"I am not stupid; you know the system as much as I do. I can offer a civil settlement with an agreement that they will not have criminal charges pursued against me. Most of them are still underage and from rural areas. I can offer to their parent's compensation amounts, and that should make most of the charges go away. The only ones that are not easy to get rid of will be those involved Hou Yi, that wife of his and Yao Tan's daughter. But the lawyers can deal with most of that."