Total Mayhem - Part 1


While Anna and Hou Yi were having breakfast before finalising things they needed to before their trip to Australia, their pleasant morning was interrupted by the ringing of Hou YI's mobile. As he picked it up, he noticed the call was form Assistant Wang. The last thing he needed today was a crisis as he already had a heavy workload before their departure to Australia.

Sharply he answered "Yes."

Having realised how had his boss had been working to have these few days to travel to Australia, Assistant Wang felt guilty for disturbing him. "Apologise sir but the police called here as some of the new charged being laid against Lu Jingho involve crimes against Hou Enterprises as the victim."

That made Hou Yi pause and said, "Hang on." With that he placed the mobile on speaker and sat it on the table. "My wife is with me, so I have placed you speaker. What is the news?"