Total Mayhem - Part 6

Tuesday, continued …

After speaking to Hou Yi minutes, Alister Nang hung up and handed Anna back her phone.

"Madam Hou, CEO Hou has a good suggestion. We need to test what he will do with respect to the charges and then obtain orders of protection along with a court date. Hopefully you will agree to that CEO and Madam Yao. As CEO Hou said challenging Lu Jingho too much at the present will simply intensify his need to strike out against you, and that has to be avoided in all the circumstances."

Anna observed Amanda and Yao Tan nodding. She knew deep down that this was the right way to proceed but the stress of the situation was starting to get to her, and she was ready to start to burst into tears. Amanda immediately moved over and gave her friend a hug. That was enough for Anna to start crying.