Wedding Bells - Part 6

Saturday, continued …

After they had exited the church, their wedding party and guests started to follow them out from the church. They all had to come over and congratulate Hou Yi and Anna not only on the ceremony but on the news delivered last night.

Anna was on tender-hooks worried that her mother would start to overreact outside the church. Alecia and James' threat along with Georgina and Adam and Ben's maternal grandparents had kept her under control so far. Glancing at her mother, Anna seeing the look on Meredith Jones' face told Anna how unimpressed she was about this ceremony and Anna's choice.

Hou Yi, followed the eyes of his wife and noticed that they were on her mother. He leant over and quietly whispered to Anna "Sweetheart, do not worry. If she cannot be happy for us, they she is not worth worrying about."

"Yi, she is my mother…"