Attempts to escape True Justice - Part 3

Friday, continued …

Ten minutes later, Amanda came out of the room, and signalled that it was fine to return in. As they walked back into the room Anna and Hou Yi noticed that Yao Tan looked almost defeated.

Amanda quietly said "He is struggling to realise that Alecia is not his little girl anymore. Despite having agreed to Alecia marrying James, he still views that he needs to be in control and protect his little girl. You were right Boss to confront him. Unlike the rest of us who can see reality we have to remember that he has, with little help raised the children for most of their lives."

"Unlike the rest of us, Tan has sacrificed his life for them. I know that firsthand, as we would have married a year or two ago if he did not feel that he always had to put their first. And, I realise that the boys, despite their outward shows of independence, they rely on him still."