Attempts to Escape True Justice - Part 7

Friday, continued …

After looking at his wife, Yao Tan realise she was serious, so he picked up the agreement. As he did so, he decided to ignore his Amanda's recommendation and commenced to read the agreement. started to read it. As he went through the agreement you could see how angry he was getting.

Once he reached the end, he grabbed the pen and signed it. Before handing it back to Alister Nang, he said "Amanda is correct Lu Jingho has to pay. While I still do not believe what Lu Jinhu is receiving as a penalty is fair and appropriate, in the end he is not the worst person in the situation. Mr Nang, you have to make sure he pays for what happened to Alecia."

"CEO and Madam Yao, I will make sure to the best of my ability he will. Now let me hand this to the National Prosecutors Office, as they want to talk to me also about what is happening with a number of the other charges."