Angry Friends - Part 3

Sunday, continued …

Snake continued, after the interruption, "Lu Sang, he is not stupid how the business operates. Unlike the rest of the Lu Family he entered Lu Corporation at a junior level and has worked his way up in the company into a senior position in his current department. The difference between him and Lu Jinhu is that he has not gone to university."

"He has operational smarts but Lu Jinhu has the theoretical knowledge. With guidance from qualified management, not the family, he will be capable for a couple of years to handle the company until Lu Jinhu's ban ends, and then the process must be redone, but that will end up with Lu Jinhu becoming the CEO. Lu Jingho will not be considered for it at all, and I suspect the potential jail sentence will prevent him from ever having the position."

"Totally deserved. We know what he has been like to deal with in a business sense," said Yao Tan