Moving forward with Plans - Part 2

Friday, continued

Hou Yi, responded in a somewhat angry tone, while trying not to take it out on Amanda. He knew the rules that she and Yao Tan had regarding her work, and Tan was determined not to cross them "He changed a meeting to a face to face meeting, here, and Anna is asleep the suite attached to my office. I do not want to leave her alone."

Amanda, despite not wanting to get involve with XF International business given she still had her job at Hou Enterprises, overheard Tan last night on the phone. She was uncertain who he was talking to but gathered that he had invited this person to a meeting that had been changed to a face to face meeting at the last minute. Damn him, he was playing games and risking her job. He knew that until she fell pregnant and they had children she wanted to remaining working as her independence to date had been hard won.