The Extent of Wickedness - part 24

Thursday continued ….

"Damn your information system," came Yao Tan, trying not to laugh at the same time.

"Well Anna is a good source of information, so I am guessing she is listening. Hi Alecia," came Amanda in a bubbly voice over the phone.

"Hi Amanda."

"Now what is the problem, Tan?"

"Do you know that your friend's brother was proposed to by my daughter, and she is threatening unless I agree immediately she will refuse to have a relationship with me."

"Tan, of your three children, she is the one most like you. When she makes a decision, she will follow it with her heart. You have done the same for eight years. You refused to marry me because of the children, regardless of how you and I felt about each other. It was less than two weeks ago that you finally changed your mind."