Getting the Apartment Ready - Part 3

Saturday, continued …

While she was considering Ton's change in attitude was permanent, the outcome of her doctor's visit yesterday made that even more important.  As she had been unwell for a couple of weeks, Yao Tan finally convinced her to go to the doctors, and they found out she was about six to eight weeks pregnant.  As they had quietly talked last night it would only be around six or seven weeks before she reached the point that they would be comfortable in announcing their pregnancy.  They both hoped that he would assist them in dealing with the inevitable childish reaction from Junior.

In talking they realised they were lucky.  They had not been hit with disaster after disaster that Anna had at the start of her pregnancy.  Yao Tan however reminded her that she should not speak too early, but that he would support her to work as long as possible into her pregnancy until she went on maternity leave.