Justice coming closer - Part 4

Friday, continued …

Alecia looked directly at James, knowing that she needed to calm James down. "Do not worry, they all love me and want me to be happy. You do that, and that is what will matter.  Just be ready for the grilling that they will give you before they realise that."

"If you are certain. By the way, Yi suggested that we all go in the one car, and I said yes. When he and Anna are ready, they will call and come on down."

Alecia was a little annoyed, as that meant that they had to race to get ready. "James, you should have said something. You better use the bathroom attached to one of the spare rooms so we will not be late."

James looked at Alecia with pleading eyes as he wanted to shower with her.  The look she gave him made him realise that that was the last thing she would agree to, given the desire she had to be on time.