Christmas Plans or Christmas Pains? - Part 3

Wednesday, continued …

Heading in the opposite direction to Hou Yi and Anna who were leaving to head to Hou Enterprises, James asked reception for the directions to the director of nursing's office. When he arrived, there was a young woman on duty outside, who was surprised to see a young man asking to speak to her boss.

A few minutes later the door of the director's office opened, and James was quickly ushered in. Siting as directed when the door was shut James said, "Thank you for taking the time to see me."

"Mr Jones, it is my pleasure. Yes, your brother-in-law might have forced the recommendation with the head of medical services for me to see you, but after I had your information and was able to verify it.  I can easily say I have no issues. You are clearly a well-qualified nurse, despite having only just graduated and we cannot pass up the opportunity to meet someone who would easily fit within the hospital. Do you have an idea about specialisation?"