One Final Trip - Part 2

Sunday, continued…

Ninety minutes later, Anna and Hou Yi arrived at the Yao Family Villa. Anna quickly realised that the Villa, like the Hou Ancestral Home was in an area of City K where the elites lived.  As they descended from the car, both Hou Yi and Anna were shocked to see what clearly appeared to be a military vehicle sitting among the cars in toe forecourt.

Anna turned and asked, "Is someone in the Yao Family in the military?"

Hou Yi said "There are three Yao siblings. Chester, the oldest, heads Jax Corp's entertainment division. You might remember he was the head of the delegation that you and Alecia met for us in Hong Kong. The middle sibling Andrew is the CEO of Jax Corp. Before you ask, Chester never wanted to be the CEO, and Andrew did."