One Final Trip - Part 5

Monday, continued …

Realising that Lexi was getting angry, Anna put her hand on her arm and said "Forget about him for the moment. Let us enjoy the day, but my advice, is go with the flow. I was messed about by my ex, but in the end, it led me to the love of my life. You had that with your first husband," Anna saw a strange look that passed across Lexi's face that made her wonder if that was the case but Anna understood that was a question she did not want to ask "and who know what your new marriage will bring. Plus, being nice can help you manipulate him when you need."

"Sneaky, you think like a lawyer"

"I am one but let us have fun."

Three hours later, Lexi and Anna were sitting in a restaurant having a light lunch when Anna's phone rang. She immediately noticed the caller was Hou Yi. As she answered Anna said, "Checking up on me?"

"Just seeing you are OK."

"Worrywart, you have seen how much I have spent today already…"