Plan coming together

Friday, 1 week later

Assistant Wang looked up from his desk, and noticed Anna exiting that elevator heading towards the CEO's office. "Madam Hou, a pleasure. CEO Hou said to head into his office when you arrived. He is in a meeting and will be back as soon as he can."

Hearing that Anna just wandered in and sat down. A few minutes later the door opened and in walked Hou Yi. Setting down the documents in his mands on his desk he headed over to Anna and sat down beside her. After giving her a brief kiss "Sweetheart, how are you?"

"Tired but enjoying myself."

"You promised me last week you would not overdo it."

"Yi calm down, remember that Jang has been sick not only has he kept us awake, but he has kept the nannies and the rest of the staff awake.  You know you have not been sleeping well…"

"True, but you know I worry about you."

"And I about you. The working through the proposal with the courts …"