Another Baby and a new career direction - Part 3

The following morning

Hou Yi, sat looking at Anna. Unlike when Aaron and Jang were born, this little prince did not cause as many problems for Anna or the hospital staff when he was born.  The only thing was giving birth had exhausted his wife and he remembered that he almost lost her when Aaron and Jang were born due to the bleeding she had.  He knew within he needed to have a discussion with Anna, when she was recovered as to whether they would have more children. 

As they already knew children's lives were precious but ultimately, he was selfish and wanted his wife with him for as long as they could be together.  Looking over at the sleeping little prince, while his legal name would be Ting, given Anna was happy with a family name he wanted an English name for their prince. And had spent time searching the internet for names meaning prince.  He was leaning towards Brendan but would not make that decision without consulting Anna.