Total Mayhem - Part 9

Tuesday, continued …

Anna responded "Alecia does not need to know all of that. I just hope that is not detailed in her letter. When I accepted what he did to me, I knew it was shocking, but his father is worse than that. Even with my experience in the criminal justice system that is one of the worst stories I have come across."

"Yes, Lu Jinhu is still a b*stard and I will never forgive him but this provides me with insight into how matters happened. For his own father to marry a woman under false pretences simply to have a legitimate child, to divorce her on the day of the child's birth, marrying his current wife and having her registered as his mother. Then to add insult to injury threatening to injury his half siblings, birth mother and her new family simply because he got tested to see if he was a Bone Marrow match to help his youngest half sibling with Leukemia let alone the other threats …"