Post Wedding Fun - Part 4

Sunday, continued

Both Anna and Hou Yi looked around as they moved further into the shed and realised the party was already in full swing. Adam and Ben had decided to go with a country theme, using hay bales covered with rugs for seats, a barbecue cooking meat, a table laden with salads, cold meats and lots of finger food. There was, surprisingly some Asian style dishes that they thought some of the guests would like.

Anna looked past the tables and noticed that they had even found a old bath, which they brought in added ice and placed cans of soft drink and alcohol, bottles of water, juice, white wine and even milk in it. Beside it there were two tables. One held an urn and supplies for making hot drinks. The other had plastic glasses, red wine and bottles of alcohol that did not need chilling. It was then Anna realised that the glasses, cups, plates and the like were all plastic. Yes, wasteful and environmentally damaging, but easy for a clean-up.