Home Sweet Home - Part 3

Tuesday, continued …

As they finished talking Anna settled into Hou Yi's arms as they headed to Hou Enterprises. Less than five minutes after their arrival in Hou Yi's office, three senior members of the Legal Department were shown in for a meeting to discuss what Hou Enterprises needed to do with respect to Lu Jinhgo.

Anna quickly realised that the senior legal staff that had come to the meeting were trying to freeze her out of the discussions. It was obvious that they were still siding with the former and interim head of the Legal Department, who had made it extremely clear how much they hated her ever since she called them out at the staff meeting the Monday after her first board meeting. To now she had let it be, as ultimately this had not been harming Hou Enterprises, but it was now getting to be an issue. Anna quietly said to herself, she just had to wait for the ideal time to say her piece.