Lu Jingho, Out of Control? - Part 2

Monday, continued …

Lu Jingho, however, saw red at those words, and angrily spat out "You, incompetent executive. You failed to prevent this from happening."

Calmly, wanting to avoid a significant confrontation Deputy Vice-CEO Tang replied "Mr Lu, we are reviewing everything we can to figure out what happened. I have already tasked people to determine while the deals collapsed, as we had been reassured until the collapse happened that the signing of the contracts would occur."

"Once I have the reasons why everything happened, Mr Lu I will make a full report available to the board. While you are not currently a board member, as of your concerns and your involvement in the matter to date, I will make sure you receive a copy of that report as well.

"You damn well better find out the reason, or I will see to your sacking for being incompetent."