Lu Jingho, Out of Control? - Part 5

Wednesday, continued …

CEO Hou's words still rang in Tang Din's ears. The fact that he had worked with Lu Corporation did not mean that he was like Lu Jingho. He judged everyone on their own actions, not simply because they were linked to someone else, and Hou Enterprises took the same approach when it comes to dealing with people and companies. His wife and he had nothing to do with what Lu Jingho had done and therefore they would not be targeted because of his previous employment with Lu Corporation.

Sitting down, relaxing having seen his wife and the children off for the day, was giving him the opportunity to think about matters, while the staff where cleaning the house. Having spoken to them earlier about the children's rooms he was determined that he was going to make one change to require them to keep their room tidy or the staff would not touch the rooms.