Lu Jingho, Out of Control? - Part 7


Lu Jingho spat out "I do not care. You need to have Lu Corporation deal with him, putting me here clearly betrays Lu Corporation, and we know he will be helping his wife, so they must act. More importantly I want you to get that b*stard and his servant to immediately drop the charges. That b*stard, betrayed me and will not admit what he did. His servant attacked me without provocation. Any recording will not tell the truth, I was simply defending myself from what they did. I need to be out of here or else..."

Jane Gang said "Mr Lu, I know you want out of here, but you need to listen to me, so that we can work out how to deal with this matter. It does the other matters no good for you to be here, as we need you out so you can assist us in locking down the deals to get rid of the other charges."

After a brief pause, Lu Jingho who now was calmed continued "At least you seem to have some sense, everyone else has no idea. What is your plan."