Taking control of the Legal Team - Part 4

***Warning, material in this chapter is not suitable for readers under the age of 18***

Thursday, continued …

As Lu Jingho pressed a button on a remote Jane could feel the ball inserted in her v*gina vibrating resulting in her moaning, and saying "Before we go, I am about to come, but I want for you to come inside me Mr Lu so badly I then want to pleasure you each again before I go. If you then want me to I will keep this in until the morning."

Looking to his wife, who simply nodded Lu Jingho reached in to Jane's v*gina and pulled out the ball he had just placed there before picked her up and thrust himself hard inside her four times before she came. As soon as that happened, for the next hour or so, and thought of her going home, left their minds while they pleasured themselves.