Another Friday, Another Court Day - Part 3

***Warning, material in this chapter is not suitable for readers under the age of 18***

Friday, continued…

Jane looked at Lu Jingho and said "I got approval for all of that yesterday from the senior partner, but I had to promise him that he could briefly finger me today in front of you in addition to what I will have to let him do at our weekly Monday meeting, to have him sign off on it. Not pleasant but we need his cooperation."

Lu Jingho responded, "If you are alright with it, we will just have to deal with it."

"Not really, but I know we have no choice, otherwise he will press for more than I want."

A few minutes later, the car pulled up outside the courthouse. Their early arrival ensured that there was little media there, and as the two of them exited the car the chauffer said "The arrangements are made sir. As we leave, I just need to call and let them know when we will arrive. They have guaranteed us four hours."