Your help to finish the story!

DO NOT WASTE your spirt stones please unless you want to contribute to this story's ending.

This was an accidently posted chapter out of order and I must add 400 words to post the chapter. I do apologise, but as I was setting the timer to publish it in a few days (as I am busy at work) I got distracted.

However, if you have opened this chapter and spent your spirt stones, please be aware that this story will in a few weeks be coming to an end.

As my loyal readers I am interested in your input into the finalisation of our favourite three couples' stories.

Please put your ideas in the comments to this chapter. My ending will be where they are some twenty years after their marriages.

Presently, I have Anna an Hou Yi's 20 years later story in mind, but I am struggling for Amanda And Yao Tan, and Alecia and James.