Return and Reality - Part 7

Monday, continued…

Hou Yi sat there in silence. His own investigations had him believing Jane Gang had a financial motive for what she was doing, but this was about financial destruction of the Lu's to an extent that he knew even his plans would take years to achieve. The thing was, she was going to achieve it in a short time frame.

"Your lack of comments was my reaction as well. She knows he is going down on at least some of the charges, and views from a professional standpoint that he will get more than two years. My view, and no one will ever prove it, is she is using him for multiple purposes. Until he goes down, for the purposes of feeding her own s*xual needs, and then getting as much money from him as she possibly can to take revenge for what he did to her family."

"You are certain on your conclusions?" questioned Hou Yi, wanting to make sure King had come to the opinion he had through his own investigations about Jane Gang.