A Surprise Arrival - Part 11


Unlike Saturday, the medical staff were willing to allow people to come and go from the room, and it was quickly obvious that everyone wanted to spend as much time with them as they could.

At one point, as Hou Yi lifted little Jang from Anna's arms after she had given him a cuddle and fed him a bottle, she whispered "You know how much I love everyone, but I wish they would give us a little space.  I need time to deal with our loss of Aaron, and I cannot deal with that if they are here."

"I know, and I feel the same sweetheart.  Let me talk to them.  I suspect as they did not get to meet Aaron before he died, being here with us and little Jang is their way to cope with his death."

Before Anna could respond there was a knock on the door and a nurse entered saying "CEO and Madam Hou, there is a Lexi Yao and a Matthew Rong here wanting to come in."