A Surprise Arrival - Part 2

Friday continued …

"True, but he always wanted to become a theatre nurse, and I worry he is just settling."

"Rosemary, stop playing mother hen. You are going to be bad enough with me. He and Alecia have made their choices and we need to respect them."

"True." After pausing Rosemary continued "Can you arrange for me to get to Hou Enterprises. I need to collect some medical equipment to enable me to monitor you, and I am guessing they will have what I need."

"Give me a couple of minutes, and I will come with you to Hou Enterprises."

"You should be resting."

"Damn it, Rosemary, I am not a piece of china, ready to break. I am pregnant. Plus, the staff will not arrange any vehicle for you and without language skills try getting a taxi."