The Karma Bus - Part 3

Thursday, continued…

Anna and Hou Yi simply sat there stunned.  How in the world did this happen?  Yes, he agreed to a sentence, but in the end his victims would be left with little justice.  He served so little time for his actions.

Alister continued, "And while it does not impact you in any way, the compensation orders made against him are not enforceable against his estate, unless action had been taken before his death to enforce them.  The problem for the victims is that while the applications were lodged, they rank behind other creditors of the estate as there is not judgements to compel the payment."

"So, I am guessing they will likely receive little?"

"If anything."

Hou Yi could see this was worrying Anna "Alister, let the lawyers for the other victims know if there is anything, we can do to help them we will try.  But our son needs out attention." With that Hou Yi ended the call and sat the phone down.