Back in Action - Part 3

Monday, continued…

From the dock, her grandfather interrupted "That is a damn lie.  You were doing actions you had no right to do and all I was doing was telling you the wrongness in your behaviour, as I should as your elder."

Anna paused further as she could see the magistrate was angry at the interruption.  However, knowing her grandfather she made her statements because he would not be able to stop himself in reacting.

The Magistrate turned and said "Sir, I will give you and your daughter one warning.  You do not interrupt these proceedings.  You have lawyers representing you, and they will speak for you, not you."

"Well I want to speak, so I do not want that so-called lawyer.  I need to be heard and her lies need to be stopped now."

"While I will encourage you to retain your lawyer, you are entitled to make that decision about your representation, but if you interrupt again, you will be removed.  Do you understand?"