Anniversary - Part 3

Wednesday, continued …

Hou Yi looked at Anna relieved at the reason for her tears.  He thought he had upset her.   "You had me worried that I had upset you."

"Never, when you have taken the time to be thoughtful about the gift.  You know I do not like anything too fussy or expensive.  They were perfect." Anna paused and said "Yi, if you delay too much Uncle Feng will be annoyed with me…"

"Uncle Feng messaged me earlier and said that he could look after the company while I spent the day with you, and I so want to…"

Realising what this would mean, Anna responded "Yi, absolutely not.  Jang has routines, part of which is you saying goodbye and going to work.  I am slowly working adapting him to me not being here all the time, and I do not want to ruin that.  Plus, what message does that send to the staff."