Epilogue - James and Alecia

20th wedding anniversary

James stood in the lounge of their apartment waiting for Alecia to come home after her meeting with Hou Yi.   Anna, when she had gone called him and explained what was happening.

His sister was great at keeping secrets, but this one was a big one.  However, he could see some of the motives behind their actions.  Yao Tan and his behaviour ever since the accident where Jasmine's was injured, he had become unbearable.  He blamed everyone, most particularly Anna and Hou Yi, closely followed by Alecia and him.  She was a stubborn little girl, who Yao Tan never said no to.

They had put up with the attitude, and Yao Tan's refusal to consider Alecia for a more senior position within the company, as Junior after years of drifting had a couple of years ago joined.  Unlike Alecia who worked her way up the corporate ladder, he walked into a Junior executive position, and just three months ago Yao Tan promoted him to a senior executive position.