Chapter 10

As fast as it had gotten started, the journey of the Rolling Stone came to a halt. Just like Naruto trying to catch Sasuke, it seemed the pebble had finally caught up with its target... but with a twist.

At an altitude of 9,253 meters and with a velocity of 0 m/s, the pebble had come to a complete stop. It had gotten stuck, like Kakashi's mask.It seemed like it had finally met its match, just like the great trials that Naruto faced in his journey to become a straight man.

But the pebble wasn't like Naruto, it had no chakra or power of its own to push it forward. It had to rely on its own skills, like [Steer], to reach its target. And so it did, with great speed and momentum, it headed towards its destination.

It saw a creature with two long ears and was overjoyed. It remembered two things: it could grow by hitting things on the head and it had [Steer]. And so it activated its steer, altering its acceleration vector and headed straight towards the target.

But, like the lack of smart folks in the Leaf village, the pebble had limited awareness and didn't know of things like sound. As it neared its target, it bounced off a rock and missed its chance. The rabbit, much like my dates, dodged and the pebble got stuck between two boulders.

The pebble gathered moss, just like Orochimaru gathering man cheese, and watched as the seasons changed. It went through the chill winds of autumn, the snow of winter, and finally the melting snow of spring. And just like Naruto, the pebble emerged from its retirement and sharpened its sword, ready to bend Sasuke to his knee and make him come back.

It finally fell, free from its bindings and with a vengeance in mind. It had its sights set on the rabbit, who was enjoying fresh spring berries. The pebble used [Steer], just like Naruto using shadow clone Jutsu on Sakura, and adjusted its downward acceleration vector with precision and patience.

And so, there was no sound, just a silent fall through the air, until THUD. Collide activated and the pebble dealt a critical hit to the rabbit, much like Naruto delivering the final blow from behind Hinata.

The journey of the pebble had come full circle, from gathering moss to exacting revenge. And with a twist, just like a good Naruto episode, it was a wild ride!

...The pebble had finally hit its mark! The rabbit was caught off guard, and it was sent flying with a single powerful strike. It had been a long time coming, but the pebble was finally able to make up for its past mistake.

As the rabbit lay stunned, the pebble laughed to itself, channeling its inner Naruto. "Believe it! This pebble has finally come back to claim what's rightfully mine! No jutsu is too great, no enemy too strong! This time, it's not a rock's journey that ends, but the journey of my opponent!"

The pebble continued its journey, rolling down the mountain, finally able to live up to its name as a true Rolling Stone. Its journey may have started slow, but it was quickly picking up speed, and who knows what other adventures and trials awaited it. The pebble was ready for whatever was to come, and with its sharpened sword and newfound determination, it was unstoppable. The pebble's legend was just beginning, and it was ready to become the greatest rolling rock in all the land!