Bonus Chapter #1

"How about Bob?" Jason gruffed, running his fingers back and forth around his shaggy brown hair, clearly running out of ideas inside his head.

We were inside one of the larger tents, with lanterns dotting the synthetic walls with a bright, orange tinge and shadows of us three masking the sides of it.

We bantered on and on about an appropriate name for myself, ranging from "Legendary Slayer of Worlds" to typical Bob.

I would've agreed to the name Bob, but Alex obviously didn't like it, as shown on her tremendously scary face, swaying her head left and right profusely like she had something against Bobs.

"We should continue this one tomorrow." I said, turning around as I huddled in one of the bedrolls, taking off my worn-out robe. "Thanks anyways guys."

"No wait." Alex paused, leaning in closer to my tired face. I was too tired to care, given that I spent all night dancing with her just an hour before. It was like my entire body craved heavily for sleep, having it's life force taken away by the lanterns in between us three in a soothing spiral of blackness.

Just before I completely dozed off, I caught a sweet smile from her cheeky face. Following my deep-blue eyes with hers, her eyes enchanted me in deeper into slumber.

"Good night, Zero."