Secret Ring (1)

Upon reaching the cabin and deactivating her skill, Yang Xia stepped up the small stairs and stood infront of the main door. With a couple of knocks, she waited for a response.


And knocked again.


And again.


She slammed her body into the door and burst it open. Empty. The cabin was empty..

"&#@% !!"

Combing loose stands of hair out of her face, Yang Xia took a deep breath and exhaled. She didn't have time for this anymore. Stepping inside, she covered her nose and mouth from the dust. Walking and looking around, it was quite a small cabin. Though there were no lights, she could faintly see what was inside.

A small worn out bed laid in one corner, whilst a stack of dusty books piled onto one another next to said bed. On the opposite side of the corner was a large shelf of various things unknown to Yang Xia's knowledge and also more books. On the right side of the shelves were chairs and a rounded table. Behind it was what seemed to be a kitchen? It included counters and cabinets. All in all, it was a small place, it could work as a temporary base but adjustments had to be made first if so.

"Damn where did this person even p*ss.."

... Yang Xia decided to check around the kitchen area first. The first few drawers were empty. Well not exactly, more so it was full of random and useless items, therefore Yang Xia deemed it as empty. However, the next two cabinets were her jackpots. She discovered a few pill bottles and some bandages. Good enough.

Removing the lids from the pill bottles, she took a single pill out. She processed to sniff and examine it to determine what type of effects the pill had.

"Thank you dad, for forcing me to go to medical school."

She mumbled. Once confirming, she threw some of them into her mouth and swallowed. The pain was gradually reducing, however the bleeding was still there and her body was still malnourished. Yang Xia began to rip the blood soaked part of her clothes off and also a section of her sleeve off. With the somewhat clean sleeve, she spat on it, using her saliva to clean her wound as best as she could. Once she was satisfied, Yang Xia wrapped her wound with the bandage.

"This'll do for now...I'll have to get this properly treated rather than using my poor excuse of a treatment."

Now that she had temporarily fixed one of her problems. She had another one now. What to do. She had no clue where she was, therefore she didn't know where to begin in her adventure for revenge. Yang Xia scratched her head in defeat.

"I might was well make some notes from my new memories.."

She got into a thinking position and began walking from one end of the cabin to the other.

"Let's see..."

Thinking back, Yang Xia noted that her name was the same as the original host's and that her mother died while giving birth to her. Her father, Yang Chen, looked after her until where she was around 2, that's when he remarried. She noticed that her father wasn't a bad person. Just... Very naive and soft hearted.

"I suppose the death of his wife took a toll on him and he lost all sense of reasoning."

He wasn't a bad father either, often pampering the little Yang Xia. Her step mother, Yang Chu, and half sister, Yang MeiYing, weren't all that kind. Yang Chu must have felt threatened by Yang Xia's presence and the fact that she was the only child from the first wife. So much so that she and her daughter abused and treated Yang Xia lowley whenever the father wasn't around, this treatment went on for years, she was too scared and shy to tell her father about the matter.

"Women are scary creatures.."

While being lost in thought and walking, she accidentally bumped into the shelves holding some books. Small unknown items fell alongside a dark maroon book which had instantly triggered a series of arrangements that had been hidden from the naked eye. The loud noises coming from the array being activated startled Yang Xia out of her concentration, forcing her to look up at the shelf.

The shelf started to split in half and move to the sides, revealing a hidden entrence path towards who knows. Yang Xia's eyes widened but her face immediately shifted back, she was sceptical.

"Wha...isn't this a bit cliché..?"

She had known about these types of secret passageways back in her old world, bookshelves that opened to reveal a secret room. However those were just in fictional tales, seeing one in person though... Seemed kinda sloppy. Yang Xia was to say the least, disappointed.

The once dark cabin had now been softly lit up by the fire that laced the walls of the passageway. Yang Xia paused, glaring ahead of her.

"This...I don't trust this."


"I'm not dumb alright. Mysterious stairway leading to god knows where. Yeah, not today."


Yang Xia turned around to walk away however, found that she couldn't move her body!


"F***ing plot device!"

Giving up, she made her way down the staircase. It spiralled down in a circular pattern, almost making her dizzy. This continued on for a solid half an hour, in which Yang Xia halted to a stop.


"Is this a joke? ╬"

No. Yang Xia sighed, deciding to continue down the stairs. It was then, that she saw a glimpse of the other end, and along with the ending, a wave of intense heat hit her unexpectedly.

"Okay, what now?"

Making her way passed a large jade plated frame door, her eyes widened by the sight she saw. The area was quite small, smaller than the cabin upstairs, fire surrounded the perimeter of the room which danced around almost wildly as the heat radiated towards Yang Xia's small body.

In the middle of the blazing heat was a white stone pillar, with what seemed to be a golden box resting ontop of it. The more she stared at it, the more uneasy she became.

"Hey, this seems kinda familiar. Like Pandora's box.."

"Yeah, whatever is inside that box can't be good news. I'm not opening that."

Before she could make a move, a small childlike voice called out to her.

'Come here

Come closer~'

Yang Xia wiped the sweat off her face, the heat was really getting to her. So much so that she was hearing things now.


Voice: "..."

"That wasn't my imagination, was it.."

Yang Xia covered her face. A single tear drop escaped her eye.

"I'm in hell, aren't I?"

Her eyes looked back up at the box. Making a quick prayer, she slowly made her way towards the glistening object.