Tribulation & Heaven's Negotiation

He looked at the sky and he saw the tribulation clouds gather above him forming an inverted whirlpool of clouds.

He smiled devilishly.

"Bring it on", said Siguard in a low but tyrannical tone.

'Looks like it is a thunder tribulation and its only 1x1 thunder tribulation because I am a mortal without cultivation'.

Thunder tribulation is the most common and the weakest form of tribulations.

He was about to start doing the Endless body art, but he immediately stopped even before he began.

His instincts honed by millions of battles told him someone was coming in his direction.

He released his soul sense using a method called Soul Domain Stealth Scan and detected the soul fluctuations of Cui Feng.

The Soul Domain Stealth Scan was a special way to use Soul Sense, using it one can essentially camoflash your Soul Sense to feel like the aura of the atmosphere. Making it almost impossible to detect. The creator of this method was Siguard himself. So only he knows this method. There are similar methods in the Immortal Realm but almost none of them are as effective as the Soul Domain Stealth Scan method.

'A Purple Place realm cultivator. Looks like she is coming here to see who or what is undergoing tribulation'.

Siguard frowned, originally he was planning to use the Endless body art to continuously heal all wounds he received from the tribulation, while also tempering his body with it.

But now with this cultivator watching him...

Although it may look like a weird dance if it healed tribulation wound then it will definitely attract the attention of the cultivation world.

Tribulation wound notorious for being difficult to heal. Purple Palace realm cultivators would go crazy for a pill that could heal tribulation wounds.

Why? Because 60% of death when transcending from mortality to Immortality is caused the tribulation thunder itself and 29% of death is caused by the inability to heal tribulation wound on time. Only the remaining 1% can become an Immortal and ascent to the Immortal Realm.

Now that is only for a one-time use pill, imagine the chaos that will be caused if word got out that a technique that can heal tribulation wounds existed.

Hell, forget about the Mortal and Immortal Realm even the behemoths of the God Realm will also try to get there hands on such a technique.

And healing tribulation wound is just one of the effects of the Endless body art. If all the other effects like the endless lifeforce and Law barrier breaking etc got out then a fucking god damn war will happen with Siguard at the center.

In short, there is no way Siguard will perform the Endless Body art in the presence of anyone else, let alone a Purple Place cultivator.

But if he doesn't do the Endless body art than he could die from the tribulation thunder or the tribulation wound.

'My body has been refined by both the Endless body art and the 5 Elemental lightning Body Refining, I should be able to survive the tribulation thunder since its only 1x1. After that the law shower will occur, it will reconstruct my body and improve my talent. I should pretend to be dead and hope that the cultivator will ignore me other than that I have no other path left for me'.

At this moment Siguard cursed himself for not creating a technique that can erase all life signature and fake death.

He sat down in the lotus position and looked at the sky, seeing the purple lightning charging up for its attack he cursed his bad luck.

He quickly calmed down and took a deep breath. He circulated the 5 Elemental lightning Body Refining since it had a lighting affinity it should be able to absorb and refine some of the tribulation thunder.

Inside the inverted whirlpool, the purple tribulation lightning energy slowly took shape of a purple lightning dragon.

The Lighting dragon looked at Siguard and roared. Siguard just scoffed at this.

'This brother has survived Immortal tribulation and God tribulation so what is tiny 1x1 thunder tribulation'.

The Lightning Dragon was infuriated by this it roared again and charged down towards Siguard.


Cui Feng was stunned by what she saw when she reached the tribulation area.

A boy about the age of 13 years was standing there with tribulation aura concentrated around him.

'What did this boy do to warrant the wrath of the heavens?'

Looking at the clouds above she did some rough calculations and concluded that it was 1x1 thunder tribulation.

She looked into her space ring, then looked at Siguard.

Despite being surrounded by tribulation clouds he looked calmly at the sky and then sat down in the lotus position.

She assumed Siguard was ignorant of the current situation.

She sighed then looked at the sky.

'I have no path left to go forward in my cultivation, if this boy survives this tribulation, I will heal this boy'.

Although she wanted to save the boy, if she interfered with the tribulation directly then the heavens would be enraged and the tribulation would just get stronger and adapt to her strength.

The lightning energy condensed into a lightning dragon and it roared at the boy.

To her surprise, the boy taunted the lightning dragon.

The enraged lightning dragon descended.

The air cried as it was ripped apart by the lightning dragon.

She expected the boy to try and doge but instead, he just sat there in meditation.

The Purple Lightning struck on the boy accurately as if he was a lightning rod.

She watched intently, looking at the life signature of the boy.


When the lightning struck his body it divided itself into thousands of smaller lightning dragon and like a school of piranhas and tried to devour him to the bone.

Siguard gritted his teeth and endured the pain, his body was tougher than the normal uncultivated mortals. But even so, his flesh was already being burnt.

He circulated the 5 Elemental lightning Body Refining and siphoned the lightning energy from the school of smaller lightning dragons.

The lightning dragons where enraged they tried to attack vigorously.

Siguard expected this to continue for a while but suddenly the school of dragon attacked his bones.

The primordial dragon bloodline in his bone marrow boiled with rage. A dragons roar that only Siguard could here was echoed in his head.

Suddenly a mysterious black hole was formed inside Siguard's heart and it exerted a mysterious and powerful attractive force on the lightning dragons.

Sensing this attractive force the lightning dragons acted like a mice that saw the cat, they tried to flee but it was already too late.

The Black hole only affected the lightning dragons and the tribulation aura, his blood was effected.

All the lightning dragons where sucked up by the black hole and was condensed into a small dot.

The sudden turn of events truly flabbergasted Siguard. He wanted to look at the small thunder dot but he had other priorities right now, the law shower was about to take place.

His skin and muscles were charred, he smelled like barbeque.

His hair was on fire. But he ignored that he open his charred eyelid despite the pain.

He looked at the sky. The dark clouds suddenly turned multi/rainbow cloured.


Cui Feng looked at Siguard's life signature with her special eyes. His flame of life was still as vibrant as ever.

What surprised her the most was that all the tribulation thunder and tribulation aura suddenly just vanished.

The main reason why tribulation wounds are so hard to heal was due to the tribulation aura. It interferes with the normal cell division.

In her hands were 2 pills.

One was Lightning Countering Pill the other was Tribulation Aura Expelling Pill.

Lightning Countering Pill was a peak Heaven realm pill used to counter the mortal realm(Human, Earth, and Heaven) lighting.

Tribulation Aura Expelling Pill was also a peak Heaven realm pill used to help with expelling the tribulation aura so the tribulation wounds can be healed faster.

These two pills were gifted to her by her students who ascended to the Immortal Realm. All 5 of them joined hands worked hard to accumulate wealth to buy these two pills for their teacher from the Immortal Realm, so she can successfully transcend from mortality to Immortality.

Since her chances of succeeding in breaking through to immortality are very low, even though they were gifted to her by her students she decided rather than wasting it on herself it would be better to use it to save this boy.

She has decided to receive this boy as her last disciple.

Just as she wondered whether she should still use the 2 pills on him, as both the lightning and tribulation aura had vanished.

But suddenly she felt another aura decent for the heavens.

She looked up to her shock the originally dark clouds and turned multi/rainbow.

Then multi/rainbow colored rain started to decent on the charred body of the boy.


Siguard smiled as Law shower occurred. The multi/rainbow colored rain was the law shower.

The Law shower was essential Heaven's attempt to negotiate with you. It was essentially telling you this, 'the Heavens will give you peerless talent but in return, you must allow the heavens to built a new Law barrier on your body'.

If you refuse the Heaves will continuously try to attack you with tribulation till you die.

If you agree then the heavens will reconstruct your body while making a new law barrier.

As the multi/rainbow colored rain hit his body the message from the Heavens entered his mind.

This was a desition that will change his entire life, should he accept Heaven's offer or not.