Ch 14 A firm butt

Zun Ming had finally run out of Ki and unlike Jiang Long who was the son of a sect leader in a local hegemonic clan, Zun Ming didn't have any Ki recovery pills. She was on her knee waiting to be killed. Zun Ming had closed her eyes and accepted her fate, she knew that there was no one who could come and save her.

"Boss, we have exhausted a cute one. Please tie her up." The Shi clan cultivator said as he moved away. Another Shi clan cultivator appeared and looked a Zun Ming who had her eyes closed.

"little girl, if you are accepting we can allow you to live but you need to warm our beds until we are satisfied." The cultivator said as he licked his lips and came closer to Zun Ming who had her eyes wide opened, horror clearly visible in her eyes. She immediate let out a huge scream as tried to get away from the man.


A huge explosion was heard in the battle field. Lan Long hadn't controlled his speed as he landed and ended up creating a huge explosion where he landed. 'Dammit, the old lady didn't give me any picture or painting of the girl.' Lan Long complained in his heart. With no other option, available he resorted to the old-fashioned method of search for people.

"ZUN MING, I HAVE COME TO GET YOU. RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU HEARD ME." Lan Long screamed at the top of his voice.

"Dammit girl. You have another suiter and he seems even more violent." The ugly cultivator from the Shi clan laughed. "BROTHER, SHE IS RIGHT HERE." The ugly cultivator yelled out while raising his hand. Lan Long was immediately surprised, he hadn't expected to find a helper at such a place. Lan Long immediately began to walk towards the cultivator.

"Bastard, how dare you trying to harm a member of the Ming clan?" A cultivator said a swept his spear at Lan Long's head. Lan Long was immediately surprised as he was attacked without reason and the attacker had even aimed to kill him. 'The hell, I just came here. When did I offend you? Got to hurry.' Lan Long thought as he moved away from the spear and seemingly disappeared into the battle field. He kept moving at astonishing speed until he reached the man who had called out to him.

On the other part of the battlefield, the leader of fire school was barking orders to his fellow cultivators and despite his rude tone, everyone was listening to him perfectly. This particular group was closer to Lan Long's position as he landed and had to face the shockwave of his landing. Soon, a huge voice flooded the battlefield as Lan Long made his announcement. The leader was immediately enraged as he too was pursuing Zun Ming. They had met on a mission and he had fallen for her by the end of it. He had even told a few of his friend and a few elders in his school. He immediately jumped into the air to see which dead man had his eyes on his woman. He saw a young man wearing a white mask, he features were completely hidden. He saw that a cultivator nearby had immediately attacked the masked man's face. The attack was extremely fast and could only be blocked by his standards. The spear then met the masked man's face and to everyone surprise passed cleanly through the man body. The body immediately began to blur and vanished completely. The masked man had escaped a long time ago but due to his sheer speed, only an after image was left behind. The man soon fell down and immediately began to make his way towards the second voice. He would try to save Zun Ming despite knowing the masked man's speed.

Lan Long had already reached the Shi clan cultivator who had answered his announcement. "Brother, thanks. I will take my leave now." Lan Long said as he immediately moved and stood in front of the girl who was crying and trying to get away from him. The Shi clan's cultivator still hadn't realized that Lan Long was already gone from his location to Zun Ming. He tried to place his hand on the after image as he attempted to stop Lan Long. He was surprised to see he hand phase through the after image at it blurred and disappeared completely. He was immediately scared, he had just tried to touch a man with such terrifying speed.

"Calm down. I am here to take you to a senior. The senior had requested specifically for you. Come let's go." Lan Long said in a clear voice. The mask and the mention of a senior who had wanted her had terrified her even further. Zun Ming was now only able to form some incoherent noises as she shivered violently. 'Okay, this is getting bizarre.' Lan Long thought as he immediately knocked her out and placed her on his shoulder. He had placed his hand her butt to stabilize her body but was immediately lost to the soft feeling of a girl's butt.

"What a firm butt." Lan Long said out loud as he lowered himself and jumped into the sky. As he applied pressure to the ground, a few cracks formed around his feet and exploded as he took off.

While Lan Long was still airborne he felt a huge murderous intent, and sent his soul sense towards it. He discovered an upside-down Jiang Long who was pinned to a tree via a sword in his leg. 'The hell what is he doing here? Never mind, let me get him first.' Lan Long thought as he changed his direction midair and headed straight towards Jiang Long location.

Nan Shi was getting frustrated by the second as he looked at Jiang Long's smile. He wanted to tear his head off this instant but could only force himself to calm down. "You have no idea, who you have provoked. I feel sorry for you." The girl said as she moved away. Nan Shi was slowly applying an ointment to his hands but his gaze was fixed on Jiang Long. He smiled thinking about how he would torture this genius.


"Brother Jiang, fancy meeting you here." Lan Long said in a cheerful voice as he walked towards him. He reached Jiang Long whose face was full of surprise. Lan Long sent a strand of Ki into Jiang Long's would and pulled out the sword. After placing Jiang Long on the ground, he looked at the sword and smiled.

"What a nice sword." Lan Long said as he forcefully expelled the foreign Ki and placed the sword in his ring. Lan Long immediately cauterized the would on Jiang Long's leg.

"Fellow martial artist, if you could leave behind that sword and this man. We will not pursue this matter any longer but if were to go against our wishes, you will be an enemy of Shi clan." Nan Shi said with a slight trace to killing intent.

"Young Lady, do you also agree with this man?" Lan Long asked the lady. She was immediately surprised, she had not met any cultivator who could repel her Ki from her weapon but from the looks of it, this man was far younger than her in age.

"Yes. That was my sword." She said in a low voice. Lan Long immediately moved in front of the young lady and tore her arms off cleanly and snatched her storage ring but before she could even realize what had happened, Lan Long did the same to Nan Shi and returned to his original spot. The whole process was over before the after image vanished and before they had realized that they were now armless. After returning his original spot Lan Long knocked out Jiang Long and ran away at his top speed.


Another explosion shook the area as Lan Long took off. It was after the explosion occurred Nan Long and his accomplice realized what had just occurred.


A horrendous scream was heard followed closely by another scream. The battle field was startled again by the screams and during this period the Spear was acquired by the Sinister man from the Ming clan. The battlefield received another shock as they realized that the weapon was acquired by Ming Clan. The weaker sects and clans soon dispersed as they couldn't compete with the Ming Clan. The third Core disciple rushed towards the screams, he had immediately recognized voices both his fellow disciples. Fire school and Long Clan chased after Ming clan before giving up after a while. Shi clan immediately retreated as they saw their elder brother leave in a hurry towards the forest. Upon reaching the location of the screams, the core disciple was stunned. He was weakest of the three but was seeing his senior brother and sister, completely defeated and their arms torn off. Only a peak Ki sea expert could candle them in such a domineering way. He guessed that there may be a peak core disciple for the clans or school behind this event and he could still be around. He immediately ordered his junior disciple to carry their seniors and rush towards the Shi Clan.

Lan Long travelled half way before stopping for a rest. He was not too tired but this was his first time fighting a person and expending such amounts of Ki. He placed both Zun Ming and Jiang Long on the ground before recovering his Ki. After about 4 hour, Lan Long was back at his complete strength. He looked at Jiang Long injuries and began to heal them with his ethereal Ki. During his earlier years, Little Kong was injured and his injury was immediately headed when Lan Long send is Ki and covered it. Soon, both Zun Ming and Jiang Long were completely healed.

"Senior why did you help me?" Jiang Long asked as he woke up. He was immediately surprised to see that his injuries were complete healed.

"What? Why do you think I saved you? Oh right." Lan Long said as he removed his mask and looked at Jiang Long. Jiang Long who was aiming to kill Lan Long was conflicted, he now owed his very life to Lan Long. But his conflicted emotions were soon over shadowed by the huge shock that accompanied the realization that Lan Long was now strong enough to kill early Ki sea realm martial artists with ease.

"Lan Long, how are you so strong?" Jiang Long said in a wavering voice.

"Oh, that's because of Nature's way cultivation manual." Lan Long said as he placed his mask on his face again and lied down on his back. "Oh, look out for that girl. She is a bit weird. Tell her that she is safe when she wakes up."

Jiang Long who just had his world shaken, was now sitting down with a rather relaxed look on his face. He realized that he was the one who was in the wrong, and Lan Long had already showed him enough mercy by only sending his pet to fight him. He realized that his outlook on the world was distorted to only fit his eyes, he had only seen what he wanted to see, he had only heard what he had wanted to hear. He hadn't even realized that his way to thinking constricted him to a point where he was devolved into a killing machine. Although he had found his true way of cultivation, he had succumbed to it instead of mastering it. He closed his eyes, a finally felt that he was closer to nature than ever before. He then stood up and gazed at the tree and smelled the air of the forest. The shadow cast over his heart was gone, although he had not mastered his Ashura's intent, he was now able to come to peace with it.

"Where are we?" A voice sounded. Zun Ming had finally woken up. "Come let's escape, while this man sleeps." She said as she approached Jiang Long.

"Little Miss, do you really think that you could escape from that man?" Jiang Long asked without turning back. Zun Ming froze and thought back to when she was captured. Although she was injured, she could still see the speed at which the man had approached her and knocked her out.

"No, but I still have to try." She said as she gathered her Ki. She found that all her wounds were gone and her Ki flow was even improved slightly. Why would her kidnapper heal her?

"Sit back down and know this. The time you were captured by this man, you had lost all your rights to struggle." Jiang Long said as he went and stood beside Lan Long. He had a few insights and wished to confirm them. All he was lacking was his weapons.

"Hey, Lazy brat, give my sabers." Jiang Long immediately demanded. Lan Long flicked his fingers and two sabers appeared above him. The sabers were different though, they both were of High earth grade. Both had belonged to Nan Shi but were snatched away as Jiang Long robbed him of his arms and ring.

"Just take them. They belonged to that man." Lan Long said as sent the saber in front of Jiang Long. Jiang Long took the sabers and nodded light at Lan Long before leaving to practice his saber techniques. Seeing Jiang Long talk to Lan Long in such a fashion, Zun Ming gathered courage and moved closer to Lan Long.

"Senior, could you please tell me why you have kidnapped me?" Zun Ming asked in a low voice. She had finally realized that she had long lost her qualification to negotiate.

"Kidnap? Lady, was sent to save you from the battle and bring you back to the senior. She even gave me some cultivation techniques a numeration." Lan Long said in a flustered voice. He had been accused of kidnapping. "You perverted little minx, did you really think that I had some indecent motives."

"No." Zun Ming said as her face turned red. She fumbled with the hem of her robes trying to figure out what to say next. She had already angered her kidnapper. "Can you tell me about this senior?"

"No, if she had wanted to let you know about her. She would have saved you herself." He said in a dismissive tone and continued to lie on the ground. This conversation had given her no information other that the fact that her kidnaper was hired by a woman.

"Brother Jiang, I am going to leave tomorrow. If you wish to leave earlier, please do. Or, you can accompany me." Lan Long said as he rolled over to his side and began to flip through the manuals given to him by the granny. Jiang Long on the other hand was sitting in lotus position with his eyes closed. Zun Ming with nothing better to do, cultivated her technique.

The manual were top heavenly moment and attack arts, they had a stringent requirement for Ki and cultivation. The best movement art was windy steps while the best attacking art was a staff art. The staff art was called Heavy Cane manual. This particular manual focused on infusing the Ki in to the staff to increase its weight. The heavy Ki was cultivated by forming a dense portion of Ki space inside the Ki sea in the cultivator's dantian. This particular Ki would be one of the heaviest form of Ki available in Nature. At the early stages of the art, the staff would contain twice the weight in its strikes and at peak of the art, the staff containing the Ki if placed on top and 10-kilometer-tall, the mountain would instantly crumble under it massive weight. Strikes at the peak of the arts would naturally contain unholy amount of force behind it. Although, Lan Long didn't use a staff, he found the manual quite informative on the new way of manipulation and transmutation of Ki. If he could apply the same principle to his own body, every casual punch of his would contain a mountain's worth of weight behind it. Since, he was also a body cultivator, the Ki would be wondrous to his dexterity in combat and defense. The wind art was a type to skill based movement art, it didn't require a cultivator to acquire or develop a new type of Ki but it required the cultivator to release his Ki in quick bursts and at near impossible angles to achieve a blinding speed and since, the cultivator is relying on his as footholds and the sound of every movement would be negligible. The cultivator could travel at speed many times greater than sound through a mortal crowd with causing a huge shockwave.

Lan Long immediatelywent to work, trying to hypothesize a way to compress his Ki according to theHeavy Cane manual as well as trying to picturize the movement art. Jiang Longspent most of his time meditating, although he would sometimes get up and do amovement or attack based on his insights. Zun Ming only moved once, and thatwas because she was thirsty and hungry. She looked at Jiang Long and sighed,she was nowhere near this dedicated to cultivating. With this, time soon flowedby and the next day approached