Chapter 1 ( Meeting Him )

Elizabeth Tan's POV

My Name is Elizabeth Tan I'm 24 years old working in Crux Company as a Secretary of Mr. Zac Elton Crux , Actually this is my first time in work i didn't see him in person yet but i heard that he has this dark blue eyes with a cold stare they say that he is a cold - hearted but that doesnt bother me to quit this job i dont care if he is a cold - blah blah blah person i just wanted this job to help my parents cause you know we are not that rich . Ok ! stop with this blubbering .


Now I am walking ALONE in the streets beacuse i dont want to use my car besides the store is just nearby my house or should i say condominium . So i just continue and there i saw the supermarket so i can buy foods because i have no food left on my fridge . Arghhh! i am so hungry now didn't i just tell you guys that it is only 5:30 in the morning and i am so so so hungry right now.

I am inside the store picking some of the foods and something caught my eye it is a pringle my favorite ! . I tried to reached it but it is hard because i was so short arghhh !! why im a so short i said to my self . Then suddenly a hand just pick it i turned around and i found myself staring to a tall - handsome guy he has this dark blue eyes with a cold stare a messy black hair i couldn't stop but to stare at his gorgeus face .

I was back to my senses when he start walking away with that pringle on his hand gosh ! i thought he was gonna help me but heck ! he just walk away with that pringle on his hand i wanted that pringle so much but he took it away arghh ! why am i so unlucky T_T ..... . . ok stop with the over - reacting im just gonna buy some other snacks .....

( Time skip )..... .. . . . . . . . . . . .

I am now preparing for my job and didn't i tell you guys that it is my first day at work and it is exactly 6:00 in the morning . When i finish preparing i got into my car and go to the Crux Company

... .. . . . . . After 5 minutes . . .. .


I was just staring infront of the building because it is so beautiful i was back to my senses when someone starts beeping so i park my car to the parking lot and start walking to the Company i was going inside but the guard stop me and check my i.d after that i went to the CEO's office there i saw him sitting on his swivel chair legs are crossed and his reading a papers and when he looked up i met his cold blue eyes and he seems to famillar hmmm... . . where did i saw that face ohhh !! i know . I point my finger to him and shout !

" You're the JERK who stole my PRINGLE " i glared at him .










" What the Fu*k ? "