Chapter 5 ( The Start )

The Next Day .....

Argh ! so tired right now it's been 3 days since that incident happened and I'm so relieved that he didn't ask me about it .



waaaa !! I'm so hungry when is the lunch time ? I wanna eat now may I should go to Jollibee later and eat whatever I want ah! no ! my diet will be ruined if I eat everything there hmmm.... Soo hungry .. out of boredom I just put my head on the desk and look at my co-worker. I think she feels me staring at her so I don't want her to feel akward I just look around the office hayss..

just then Elton umm - I mean our boss came out of his office and announce something that made me and my tummy happy ! ^_^

" Okay you can have your lunch now " he said and got out immediately. so i quickly arranged my things and got out quickly and I was about to go to the elevator when I bumped into someone.

" Ouch ! " it hurts so I just massage my head then someone lend a hand I just stared at it. eh ?.

" Are you just gonna sit there ? " someone spoke and OMY GOSH !! his voice is so manly and hot may heart ! so to not be embarrassed I accepted his helping hand I'm shock seeing his face owemjie !! .

" Caleb ?! " I asked shocked why is he here ?

" Oh Eli it is really you ! I missed you " then he hugged me and I hugged him back gosh I missed him ! we haven't seen each other for years !.

my gosh Caleb my childhood friend my very very bestfriend HAHAHA .

" What brings you here ? " I asked and pulled out from the hug.

" Oh I'm just visiting my friend here " then he handsome why is that ?

" and you where are you going ? " he asked.

" Oh just gonna get myself a lunch i'm so hungry >.< " .

" I think I should visit my friend later lets have lunch together how's that? ".

" And it's my treat " he said while smiling again.

my eyes twinkle when I hear the TREAT hahaha just then before we can get out someone fake cough that caught our attention and that is Elton - I mean my boss who is so scary right why does he have this dark aura around him shocks !.

" Oh Elton - " Caleb didn't even finish what his saying because my boss cut him.

" Elizabeth " then he looked at me what the ? why is he looking at me like that ? did I do something wrong ? send help (T_T).

" Ye - yes Sir ? " shit did I just stutter why so scary Elton.

" You will be having lunch with me no buts it's final " . he said and walk past us I looked at Caleb .

" Sorry Caleb my boss wants me to go have lunch with

him maybe next time ! see you around ! " I waved at

goodbye at and runaway to catch up with my boss why does he even want to have a lunch with me ? is he crazy ? I looked back and I can still see Caleb's shocked face eh ? what's with the reaction by the way ?. argh ! I think I did just have a headache just from thinking. Hayss Poor Caleb.

I am here now at the office doing my stuff again and Sir Elton is really confusing hayss..

Flashback.....( @Jollibee )

I ordered 2pcs chicken a spaghetti , large fries and a coke. I was about to speak when Sir Elton Spoke i didn't not expect him to eat with me here but then I remember he's the one that orederd the Jollibee meal that I ate last time.

" Don't you go near him " he coldly said my brows creased why is that ? is it about Caleb why would he not let me go near him he's my friend.

I was about to speak when he cut me off

" Just don't no buts just do it " then he ate his food after that and I didn't dare to speak I don't want to disrespect him his my boss after all but I'm not gonna do it why would he care anyway ? So annoying.

and that was running through my mind all day argh ! wanna sleep now better get done all this work but I'm too lazy aish ! I wish the work will be dismissed.

then my eyes went to the glass door where our Boss is in I can see him from here and why is that ? he looks so freaking handsome from those dark cold eyes pointed nose perfectly sculpted jaw line and those thin red kissable lips that I bet would taste damn good ! I shook my head from that thought you perverted mind. he looks hot with those glasses may I add then I startled when he looked back at me oh shoot ! he caught me I felt my breathe hitched by his stare I blushed and look away aagh !! that's so embarrassing ♡(> ਊ <)♡.

Then minutes later ...

" Okay Work Dismissed " he said damn his voice screams authority then I look up to see him because I was looking down obviously trying to hide and I was shocked when he was staring at me intently I wanted to get my eyes off him but I don't know why I can't I feel like I was drowning in his stare just then my heart starts beating fast again oh no ! is this a sign ? or do I have a problem in my heart ? like heart disease right ? I can't take it anymore so hurriedly take my eyes off him and pack my things up.

I look around when I felt that it was so silent and I regret I

there's no one here anymore it's just me and him.

Then someone enters...


"Didn't I told you that don't go near him ? " He whispered through my ear that sent shivers down to my spine I can even fell his hot breathe smells so good oh shoot ! Stop complementing him when you are in the verge of trouble !.