Meeting the two monsters.

Oscars Pov...

I was extremely shocked and tried to process the information which Ma hongjun just told me. "Wait are you sure that it is the Liu erlong." I asked fatty who was still sulking over the spilt milkshake. I then slapped him and said, "I will make two more of those, but you need to tell me about Flender's wife.". Fatty who was previously sulking was now happy and revitalized as i mentioned the fact that i would make him two more milk shakes. He quickly answered saying, "This may come as a shock but Liu erlong is a woman who came from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. However, during the spring she goes to meet her family with her daughter, but right now they should be back. But anyways brother about my milkshake..."

Before Fatty could finish his sentence i dropped him onto the floor and tried to think things through. So wait if she ended up with Flender then what about, "Wait then what about Yu xiaogang do you know him." I asked Ma hongjun who was eating a chicken drumstick at the moment. I grabbed the drumstick and asked once more, "Fatty what do you know about Yu Xiaogang." Ma hongjun who was slightly angry sue to me taking his drumstick did not answer. So i had no choice and gave it to him while assuring him that i would make three milkshakes for him.

Fatty being Fatty happily complied and said, "I don't know anything about a Yu Xiaogang", i then felt confused and a bit helpless when i heard that. However, Fatty continued speaking, "but i do know a man who has the same first name as that person... though I don't think that calling that person a man is appropriate though." He said with a questioning look on his face. However, i cut him off by saying, "Who... who has that same first name.", i asked with a pleading look on my face. Fatty answered saying....


General Pov...

"Come Zhao wuji let us go and greet the two love of my life." Flender said as he was skipping across the road. However, Zhao wuji was depressed with each step he took, in fact he had wanted Ma hongjun to accompany Flender and pick them up. However, the damn fatty used the excuse of showing the new student Oscar around Luotuo city. Zhao wuji was still walking until he heard Flender screaming his lungs out and pointing towards a carriage with a blueish tint color around it. Zhao wuji knew that this was the transport of those two monsters as the carriage also had the blue lightning Tyrant clan symbol on it.

Flender immediately activated his spirit and sprouted wings from his back, he then leaped into the air with an excited expression on his face. However, Zhao wuji who was following behind wanted to tuck tail and run the other way, but if he had done that then there wouldn't be a Zhao wuji tomorrow as he would probably be dead by then. So he hurried as well and arrived just in time to see the carriage door opening and someone coming out of it. "DARLING!!!", Flender shouted as he tried to wrap his arms around his wife Liu erlong, who i personally call the devil.

However, before Flender could hug her, she merely waved her hand sent him flying through the air once again. Many would have had the expression of death written on their faces when one was slapped by this woman. However, the expression that Flender made as he was flying backwards was that of a perverted masochist who had received a long awaited reward. Zhao wuji shuddered whenever this scene occurred, he quickly helped the woman with a scarlet colored hair and a dignified expression and aura down the carriage steps.

The next person to come out of the carriage was a small little girl who had the same hair color as the woman but tint of brown hair within it. The little girl herself was wearing a suit that made her look like a dragon, a very cute small dragon. Flender who was on the ground a second ago immediately got right back and shouted, "LING'ER". But before he could reach her the small little girl opened her mouth and said, "Hmph, useless and ugly old man don't ever call me that." Flender turned to stone when he heard those remarks coming from his own daughter, he then cracked into a millions of pieces and fell onto the ground.

"Hmm... Zhao wuji where is Hongjun." Liu erlong asked as she looked around for Fatty. "Yeaah... were is that fatty.", liu ling asked as she was looking for Ma hongjun as well. Zhao wuji responded by saying, "Fat... i mean Ma hongjun is helping a new student around the city. He and the new student are touring the city as we speak Miss." Liu erlong was momentarily stunned and asked, "Oh! We have a new student.". Zhao wuji responded by merely nodding his head, Liu erlong then made another towards the broken hearted Flender. "It seems that you might have some use after all, husband."

Flender who heard the last word immediately put himself together by standing up and saying, "Oh, but of course my darling, otherwise how could i be called your husband if i had not found another student." His daughter Ling then made another remark saying, "Oh maybe old and useless man might be helpful." Flender then cried and said, "Oh ling'er it warms my heart just to hear you say that." However, before he could finish speaking the others had already left him by himself, he then ran after them and heard one sentence which he was afraid of. "Ling'er lets go shopping, today you're father is going to treat us.", "Yaaayy, new clothes, maybe i will buy all of the things in the Stwore." Ling said as she held Liu erlongs hand, while Flender who was in the back was spitting blood onto the ground.

Oscars Pov...

"Are you sure." I asked as i was shocked by what Ma Hongjun just told me. "Yep i am 100% sure as there is no one else in the entire battle continent who has the same name and is from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. So Oscar are you going to make me those milkshakes that you promised me." Ma Hongjun said while rubbing his hands together with a look of anticipation. I could only helplessly nod my head while i took the lead and walked back to the academy with Ma Hongjun.

20 minutes later...

After arriving at the academy i went into the kitchen to whip up some milkshake for both me and fatty. I then added a few bananas, strawberries, and milk as well as few other ingredients and finally ice which was created from a tool that i brought From Gengxin city. I then took all of these ingredients into a blender which i also created and stored into my storage space, believe it or not. Then two minutes later i poured the contents into four cups which i had set up and gave three to fatty and one for me. Fatty who was waiting with anticipation was really happy when got another milkshake to drink.

I then left him on his own and began to wonder how the author was able to make the current info i got happen. I then took one sip of my milkshake and was about to take another when i heard Fatty complaining but then quickly shut up. I then turned around and saw one woman who had red hair standing near the kitchen door and a little girl who had taken Fatty's milkshake and finished it in one huge gulp. "Mmm... mmm... mmmm... Fatty where did you get this from, tell me i want more." Fatty then reluctantly pointed at me and said, "He made it."

The little girl who was hanging over fatty was now standing in front of me and saying, "Hey you, make me more of those drinks now." Honestly i did not like spoiled brats but this one was cute and actually tried to force me. The woman who had been standing by the door began to speak and said, "Ling'er is that how you ask someone, i apologize, but who are you." I replied saying, "My name is Oscar, I'm the new student.", "Oh so nice to meet you so you're the one who my husband was talking about." I was surprised and asked, "Your Husband?", the woman responded saying yes him."

She then pointed at a person next to a depressed Zhao wuji, however the person looked like a dried up corpse to me. I then realized who it was and who this woman was as well. "Hello, My name is Liu erlong." She said while smiling at the same time.


So are you guys wondering about what Fatty said to Oscar about Yu xiaogang. Well then if i can get more than 10 spirit stones then i will release a chapter about it today or tomorrow.