You ruined my life, Eonni

Eunbi was surprised with Young-soo's abrupt proposal, thus she didn't know what to do or how to react. This was her first marriage proposal but she felt embarrassed and awful to hear it from her elder sister's fiancé thus she stood there like a rock.

Young-soo stood up and gently shook her shoulders, "What happened? Why are you zipping your mouth shut! Say something. Look at your parents faces how heartbroken they are now. How could you manage to see them in this situation? Do you want them to get insulted and let their heads down in front of others? Don't stand like a rock." He shook her shoulders again, "come-on, now please open your mouth and say- yes or no. I'm sure you can lighten-up your parent mood by saying yes to this marriage."

Eunbi's father couldn't manage to witness his daughter in such situation, he asked Young-soo to stop forcing his daughter in this matter, "what she will do if you ask her to marry you unexpectedly moreover she was still immature to decide about her marriage."

Eunbi looked at her father's face and noticed that he looked so unhappy and heartbroken which she had never seen him like that before. She wanted him to look so confident, brave, and calm as he always used to be. She hugged her father and burst into tears. "Appa, please don't look gloomy stay strong, if this marriage makes you bring back your happiness I'm happy to marry him. Appa, I'm your daughter, I'll not do anything against your wish, and I promise you that I'll not let you feel embarrassed in front of others at any situations because of me. I'll marry him, Appa." Eunbi said confidently.

Her parents were surprised with her decision and Young-soo's lips curved upward for a smile. Mr. & Mrs. Lee were also happy with her decision.

Mr. Yoon cupped his daughter's face with his palms, "Aigoo, Eunbi-ah I thought that you are still a kid but you just made me realize that my thoughts were wrong about you you proved that you are matured enough. I'm so proud of you my dear. Are you confident about your decision? We are not forcing you because this is your life so take your time and reconsider about your decision."

She shook her head, "No, appa there is no need to reconsider about this matter anymore. Because I strongly believe that you would have chosen him as your son-in-law after researching about his full history. I'm ready for the wedding so do the other preparations without any worries."

"Honey, look at our daughter I can't believe that our babyish daughter is talking like a matured one." Mr. Yoon expressed his thoughts to his wife.

"Appa, I'm not a kid you knew that I'm 21 year old woman, and I know very well about what is right and wrong." She said and embraced her mother, "omma, do all the wedding preparations I'll marry him are you happy now?"

Actually her mother was not happy with Eunbi's decision she felt so apologetic towards her daughter for being helpless. She threw a look at Eunbi with tears with a thought, girl why did you agree to this marriage. Eunbi wiped off the tears from her mother's face and forced a smile, "omma, don't look unhappy and please stop crying, if you keep on crying like this then your face will not look good tomorrow at my wedding ceremony." However, her father was so happy with Eunbi's decision, and he asked Mr. and Mrs. Lee, "Do you both have any objections to this marriage?"

"Absolutely not, Mr. Yoon because we know about our son that, he is a good decision maker and he's always confident with his decision, which is why he is running our families business successfully at this young age." Mr. Lee said proudly.

"I agree with you Mr. Lee. He is one of the genuine men I have ever met in my life. Her father said and thanked Young-soo for taking care of his family's pride. "I'm very fortunate to get a wonderful person as my son-in-law, and my daughter is so lucky to have you as her husband. I have a strong faith that you can make my daughter's life happy and a pleasant-full one till the end of her life."

"Stop thanking me as a third person, Mr. Yoon. I'm so blessed to have your daughter as my wife, and as I promised I will take good care of your daughter. Now all I need from your daughter is to act like a lovey-dovey couple in front of the invited guests tomorrow at the wedding ceremony."

"Of-course she will co-operate with you as for your request," her father assured him with a smile.

"Well I think it's time for us to move from here, Mr. & Mrs. Yoon take some quality of rest and don't worry about anything else, my son will take care of all the changes which should be done by tomorrow for the wedding ceremony, so take care and stay strong we will meet you on tomorrow," Mr. Lee advised.

Mr. Yoon smiled and nodded his head.

Once Mr. Lee's family left the house, Eunbi gets into her room, locked the door, lay down flat on her stomach on the bed, cried out loud, and punched the bed angrily. She muttered under her breath angrily, What happened to my parents? How could they believe him so blindly? Don't they know he was acting as a gentleman in front of them? Are they out of their mind? When her gaze met at the childhood picture of her and her sister Bora, she picked that laminate photo from the bedside table, looked at her sister in that photo and asked, Eonni, why did you ran-away? Because of your stupid decision my life was trapped in his hands, you ruined my life and you are such a selfish woman whom I hate the most. She threw the laminate photo fiercely on the floor; she lied on the bed to the right side and hugged her knees. How did I agree to marry him and how am I going to live with him without knowing anything about him? She questioned herself and after a while she drifted off to sleep.

Next day in the morning she was woken by the knocking sound of her room door. She got down from the bed, walked near to the door, opened it to see who it was and it was her mother. Her mother forced a smile on her face and asked, "good morning, did you slept well?"

Eunbi felt the concern in her mother's voice but she ignored it and just nodded her head.

Her mother gently slapped Eunbi's cheek and said, "Good, now go and get ready the makeup artist will be here in an hour."

Eunbi nodded her head and hugged her mother all of a sudden. Her mother hugged her back and asked her without parting away from the hug, "What happened, are you all right?"

She wanted to tell her the truth that she's not interested in this marriage, instead she simply lied to her mother, "I'm fine, omma I just felt like wanted to hug you." She broke the hug and stared at her mother's face.

"Why are you staring at my face, is there something on my face?" her mother asked her.

She shook her head, "nothing, I love you, omma."

"Love you too, my precious. Now, go and get ready before the makeup artists arrive."

She nodded her head, went to the bathroom, and took a warm shower. She waited in her room for the make-up artist by wearing the bathrobe.

Once the make-up artists reach her house they started to do their work. It took one and a half an hour to do the complete makeover.

After the makeover Eunbi gets into the wedding car which is decorated with flowers and ribbons. After thirty minutes of the car ride she reached the wedding hall before the invited guests present. It was a huge ballroom which can accommodate for more than hundred people and it has a beautiful wooden ceiling with decorative up-lightnings. The chairs are covered with ivory white cotton covers along with grey lace overlay bows, the room was decorated with white orchid's flowers, and the clear lit candle lights were decorated at the either side of the aisle. The ballroom has decorated with such a grand and beautiful manner but Eunbi was not in the mood to admire all those things. Her mother asked her to go and wait in the bridal room until the call from the preacher. Eunbi nodded her head and went to bridal room.

Once the invited guests are presented in the ballroom, Young-soo gave his speech first by thanking the presented guests for attending the wedding and then he explained them the reason why the bride has been changed. After finish narrating the same fake love story between him and Eunbi to the invited guests he thank and apologize to Yoon Eunah of her absents. "I want to thank, Miss. Yoon Eunah because without her help Eunbi and I could not be able to come till the marriage. I feel sorry for her absence today. To avoid an awkward situation and to heal her mind she went on for a long solo trip." He said and finishes off his speech once again by thanking the presented guests for attending the wedding ceremony.

Eunbi and her parents are surprised to hear those sorry and thank part in the end of Young-soo's speech. Her father put his arms of her shoulders and said, "Eunbi, you are really very lucky to marry him."

She looked at her father and forced a smile on her face.

After a few minutes the wedding ceremony begins when the preacher called the bride to join the groom at the altar. The second song played, flower girls scattered the flower petals down the aisle as the bride walked down the aisle by holding her father's hand. Young-soo turns over and looks at his bride, he was stunned by admiring her beauty, and forgets to blink his eyes to see her in a white ball gown off shoulders long sleeves court train wedding dress with lace appliqués. He was wearing slate blue Bartlett tuxedo with a bow tie. When Eunbi and her father reach near to Young-soo, he stepped down from the altar, bowed his head to his father-in-law for respect, and gave him a handshake. Mr. Yoon, hand-off of his precious daughter to the bridegroom and said, "Please take good care of my daughter." Young-soo nodded his head, held his bride's hand, and replied, "Sure, Mr. Yoon." Then the preacher asked the bride and bridegroom to bow their heads together to the presented guests before stepping up on the altar.

Both the bride and bridegroom did bow their heads to the presented guests. Once they stepped up on the altar the preacher gave his speech about the marriage and started the wedding vows. First the preacher turned his head towards the groom. "Lee Young-soo, do you, take Yoon Eunbi to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

He boldly said, "I do"

After getting acceptance from the groom the preacher turned his head towards the bride and asked, "Yoon Eunbi, do you take Lee Young-soo to be your wedded husband, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?"

She was anxious as the preacher asked her acceptance of the wedding through the wedding vows. Her whole body started to tremble with fear, legs got weaker as she mulled whether to say yes or no. Moreover, she's got no other choice she needed to do this to save the pride and self-esteem of her parents, tears threatened her eyes; she swallowed the lump of her throat nervously, opened her mouth, and said, "I do."

The presented guests cheered the bride and groom by clapping their hands. The preacher asked them to exchange the wedding rings on their ring fingers. After exchanging the rings the preacher announced, "I now pronounce you as a man and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

Young-soo stepped closer to her, gently lifted her chin with his curled index finger, and made her look at him. As she looked at his eyes her heart pounded like a kettledrum. Anxiety was written all over her face but he didn't care about it, he gently placed his hands over her waist, crooked his head, leans forward against her face, and sealed his lips with hers. The entire guest clapped their hands once again with a smile plastered on the faces.

In the evening at the wedding reception the bride and groom took pictures with the invited guests. To look like a romantic couple Young-soo often kisses Eunbi's cheeks and hands, also he wrapped his arm around her waist and shoulder in front of the guests. After the dinner the just now married couple danced together, they somehow managed to move their body romantically according to the rhythm of the music without any practice. After that the wedding reception came to an end and it's time for them to leave the ballroom. Eunbi hugged her mother and cried, her mother wiped off the tears from her face and comforted her, "you are a strong girl Eunbi so please stop crying and take care of yourself." Her father held Young-soo's hands and said, "Please take good care of my daughter. The main thing in the marriage life is adjustments and understandings so please try to understand each other's feelings and live together with lots and lots of love and happiness."

The couple bowed their heads to their parents before they gets into the stretch white limo car; the car was decorated with red roses along with a just now married sign board at the back of the car. As a gentleman Young-soo helped Eunbi to get into the car, and then he get in and sat right next to her. When the car moved they forced a smile and waved their hands to their parents.