He lost his patience

Eunbi took a deep breath and gave him a fierce glare.

"What's with that look? Don't look at me like that, I'm scared." He acted as if he was scared with her look.

"Liar, you are lying that you married me to save the pride and self-esteems of our parents. My parents might believe your entire wicked acts but I'll not believe that," she retorted with stern look.

He gave her a sly smile, "I have already told you that I don't care whether if you believe my words or not, it's all up to you."

"Guys like you never know how to respect other feelings; you just wanted to achieve things by hurting other's feelings, you are such an ignoble man which I ever met before," She aggressively outburst her anger.

Young-soo clenched his jaw against the anger; he walked near to her, grabbed one of her hands, and shoved it at her back, "how dare you are to say that I'm an ignoble man. I'm trying to be nice to you, but don't make it hard. I don't have any intention to hurt you but you are insisting my anger to do it, you better behave yourself." He said in a low grating voice.

She yelped in pain as he grabbed her wrist tightly. She placed her free hand over his chest and tried to push him away from her, but he didn't move an inch, he was way too stronger than she expected.

"God, I couldn't understand why you are trying to pick a fight with me." He said and un-grasped her wrist, "if you hate me that much go ahead and hit me as much you wanted to."

"I have already told you I'll never ever fall for your tricks so don't try too hard. I'll never accept you as my husband, we are husband and wife only in documents and in others eyes. When we are locked inside the four walls you better stay away from me and don't ever try to take advantage of me, if you try to get near me I'll kick you off you better be careful and behave yourself." She warned him as her cheeks and ears are flushed with anger.

He held her shoulders and roughly pinned her once again against the nearby wall, "I have warned you more than enough to not judge my character without knowing anything about me but why are you keep on repeating the same mistake, MY DEAR WIFE," he said with rage and smacked his palm against the wall next to the right side of her face. "Do you think I have warned you just for a fun? Huh!" He yelled in front of her face.

Eunbi's vision was blurred with tears; she was scared because she has never experienced such tough situations in her life before.

His face turned harder and stared at her with his unwavering cold eyes without any emotions, "Don't ever dare to repeat this again to me?"

She was scared to see the violent side of Young-soo. She tightly pressed her lips together, placed her palms on his firm chest pushed him away from her, and sat down on the floor, her ball gown was puffed out like a balloon. She covered her face with her palms and burst into tears.

As he saw her crying he doesn't know why he felt so disturbed. He never made anybody cry before; therefore he asked her softly, "please stop crying?"

But she didn't.

He knelt down in front of her, gently grabbed her wrist. She was startled with his touch; he could sense that her hands are trembling with fear he took her palms off of her face and he saw the fear in her eyes. He brushed a few strands of her hair away of her face, gently tucked it behind at one of her ears. Her eyes are glistened with tears. He gently creased her cheek with his fingers, "I'm sorry," he whispered and asked her to stop crying.

She yanked her hands from him, cried so hard with intermittently double breath, and her body temperature rose high as if she has got a fever.

He lost his patience as she cried harder than before, "Will you stop crying at-least for the God sake," he shouted in front of her face.

But she didn't listen to his words.

"I said stop crying now, damn it," He yelled and stood up, he took the wine bottle from the table and threw it on the wall with fierce, and the wine bottle was shattered into several pieces against the wall.

She was frightened of his behavior and covered her mouth tightly with her palms, as she tried to control herself not to cry but in a few seconds she fainted and fell down on the floor.

Young-soo was startled, he rushed near to her, and gently slapped her cheeks by calling her name, "hey, Eunbi do you hear me, wake up." But it didn't work, he quickly lifted her up slightly, and undid the zipper at the back of her dress to make her breath easily. He took the water jug from the dining table and splashed some water on her face. He sat down next to her on the floor, lifted her head gently, and placed it on top of his lap. Then he gently slapped her cheeks, "Eunbi, do you hear me, wake up you have just fainted, wake-up." In a few seconds she slowly opened her eyes; he breathed in relief, held her shoulders, and made her sit down. He cradled her head on his masculine chest by wrapping his arms around her shoulder for a support, and he asked her to drink some water. She did obey him and drank the water silently.

As he saw the tears were rolling down from her eyes he raised his eyebrows, "no, not again, please don't cry I will not behave rude with you." He said and wiped off the tears of her face with the help of his index finger, "look at your face it was swollen from crying, please stop crying, and go wash your face now."

Eunbi stood up on the floor and struggled to stand straight of her own. He quickly stood up and held her shoulders protectively before she fell down on the floor and said, "Wait I'll walk you to the bathroom."

"No thank you I'll manage it of my own," she shoved his hands from her shoulders, and saunters into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.