Their new house at Jeju Island

At the Seoul domestic airport, both Eunbi's and Young-soo's parents came to the airport to send them off to Jeju Island. Eunbi hugged her parent and asked them to take care of their health without any worries. Both of their parents wished them to lead a pleasant-full life and also a safe journey.

In the airplane, Eunbi cried uncontrollably. Young-soo encircled one of his arms over her shoulder and tried to comfort her, "please stop crying everything is going to be fine." He said and took out the handkerchief from his pants pocket and wiped off the tears from her face.

"Will you please take your arms off of my shoulder I don't need your comfort," she said with tears. She now regrets badly to her hasty decision, she doesn't know how she's going to live together with him under the same roof in the new city. She hates all the changes which were happening to her life because of the marriage.

Young-soo felt it was a great insult though he consoled her once again, "relaxes Eunbi, calm down yourself the other passengers are watching us please control your emotions."

Eunbi wiped the tears of her face and went to the restroom of the airplane.

The few of the passengers in the airplane threw Young-soo an annoyed look. He doesn't had any idea about what to do he just wore the eye mask and pretended like sleeping.

Few minutes later they reached Jeju Island airport and from there it took thirty minutes to reach to their new house through the car. The car driver helped them to carry their luggage into the house, after taking all the luggage in the house Young-soo asked the car driver to wait for him in the car for a while.

Young-soo looked around the house it was an individual luxury house, which contain two bedrooms in that one with a poolside room and a common bathroom attached in between the two bedrooms, open kitchen, and the interior was fully furnished with modern classic furniture along with landscaped front yard lawn. To their surprise an enlarged size of their wedding picture was framed and hung at the wall of the living room behind the cozy corner sofa. It was a perfect sized house for a couple to live in. He remembers that few years back he told his mother that he wanted to live in a small compact house like a commoner. Finally his mother granted his wish and he was so happy for it. He took his luggage one by one into to the poolside bedroom from the living room and Eunbi pulled her luggage to the other room, started to unpack her things from the suitcases, and organizes it in the wardrobe of the room.

He changed into olive green formal suit to go to his office, before leave the house he informed her, "I'm going to our hotel to sign in as a new CEO, I'll be back before 10 pm, take care and stay carefully in the house. I'll send one of the housekeeping from our hotel to organize our belonging."

Eunbi nodded her head.

Once he left the house, she organized her things in the separate room.

In the evening after the sun sets, one of the hotels housekeeping in her mid thirty came to their house and informed Eunbi that Mr. Young-soo has sent her to organize the things in the room. Eunbi asked her to get in, took her to the master bedroom, and asked her to organize his things in that room.

Once the housekeeping finishes organizing the things in the room, she asked Eunbi whether she needed any-other help from her.

As Eunbi could see that she was already looking so exhausted with her official works, she doesn't like to tire her more with the un-official works, so she thanked her for her kindness and said she can manage the rest of the works by her own. The housekeeper gave her a smile, bowed her head, and said, "Then I'll take my leave ma'am."

It was 9:30 pm when Young-soo returned back to the house from his work. She opened the door for him and went to her room, while Young-soo entered in silently. He shrugged his blazer off, roughly threw it on the couch at the living room, made his way to the poolside bedroom, took his white bath towel from the wardrobe put it on his shoulder, and entered in the bathroom.

After finish taking the bath, he wrapped the towel around his waist, and went to his room. He wore the track pant and t-shirt, combed his hand roughly with his fingers. He went to the living room and he was annoyed to see her staying at one of the rooms. He went to the kitchen, opened the kitchen cabinets, and looked whether it has got any cooking ingredients to prepare the dinner. To his luck there were few packets of instant noodles in the cabinet. He took out the pot from the dish racks and prepared the dinner.

He transferred the cooked noodles equally in two bowls, placed it on the dining table, and went to call Eunbi to have the dinner. He stood by her room door, knocked the door, waited for a few seconds, and opened the door.

As soon as she heard the knock at her room door she quickly lay down on the bed and pretended to be sleeping.

As he saw her sleeping on the bed without covering herself with a blanket he went near to her to cover her with the blanket. He saw her eye balls are moving beneath her eye lids, he asked her, "Stop pretending like sleeping and come to the living room I need to talk to you." He was annoyed, as he didn't get any response from her, "get up when I say it politely otherwise I'll carry you up in my arms."

She gets down from the bed with embarrassment, and went to the living room.

He pulled out one of the dining chairs of the dining table, sat down on it, and Eunbi sat down on the couch.

He turned his dining chair to her side by sitting down on it and asked, "Did the housekeeper come?"

She nodded her head, "yeah, the housekeeper came and organize your things in the room."

"Why the wardrobe in the poolside bedroom was filled only with my belongings, where is yours?" Young-soo asked.

"It's in the wardrobe of the other room." She replied.

"Why did you organize our belongings in separate wardrobes?"

She rolled her eyes in annoyance, "I don't like to share the wardrobe with others." She replied and requests to God in her mind ask him to stop asking her silly questions.

He nodded his head up and down, "have you had your dinner?"

"No, I'm not craving to have dinner today, you have the dinner, I'm feeling sleepy so I'll go to sleep." she said and stood down from the couch.

As she walked past him, he quickly grabbed one of her wrists, and asked, "Where are you going my dear wife? Sit down beside me until I finish having my dinner because you knew that I don't like to eat alone like a lonely person." He made her sit down beside him on the dining chair.

She was startled with his actions, but she stayed calm. When he mentioned her as 'my dear wife' she was irritated to hear those words of his mouth, therefore she controlled her anger and sat down on the chair next to him.

"You know it's very bad for your health to go to bed without having the dinner, you said that you don't like to share the wardrobe with me at least let's have our dinner together, and wait let me feed you." He said and dragged his chair closer to her. He encircled his arm around her shoulder, drew her closer to him, took small portions of noodles with the help of the chopsticks, motion his hand to her mouth asked her to say 'aaa' but she refused to open her mouth. He was so annoyed with her refusal and gave her the options, "have it when I being nice with you or else I'll squeeze your cheeks hard enough to force your mouth open, you better choose which one is best to you."

She doesn't want him to feed her, she took the bowl of noodles, and a pair of chopstick.

"That's good," he commented, and both of them started to have the noodles in silence.

Once they had the noodles, Eunbi took the bowl from the table, went to the kitchen, washed off the bowl and the cooking pot in the sink. She placed washed dishes in the dish rack, and cleaned the messes he's created in the kitchen while preparing the dinner. When she walked off from the kitchen, she was surprise to see that Young-soo was still sitting down on the dining chair with his arms crossed. As she walked past him he asked her, "Where are you going now, my dear wife?"

"To…to the bathroom," she said and rushed in the bathroom. She closed the door, and stood behind the door, 'God! Why he is bothering me today,' she muttered under the breath. After finish doing the business in the bathroom, she lied down on the empty bath tub to spend some time in there, and scared whether he'll misbehave with her if she goes out of the bathroom at that moment. It has been more than twenty minutes, therefore she slowly opened the door without making any noises, thought that he must have been gone to bed, but to her surprise he was still sitting down silently on the dining chair with his arms crossed.

"Finish doing your business in the bathroom?" He asked her.


"Now shall we go to sleep?"

"Why are you waiting for me if you feel sleepy go to bed," she said and walked to the room which is opposite to the poolside bedroom.

He grabbed her wrist, "Why are you going to that room?" He motioned his hand to the other side by pointing the poolside bedroom, "this is our room, and from today onward we are going to sleep together as a couple. If you are planning to sleep in a separate room please erase it off of your mind, I'm not a fool to let my wife to sleep in a separate room, and that too we are a newly married couple." He said and carried her up over his shoulder and walked into the poolside bedroom.

She was way too frightened and asked him to let her down. He shushed her and laid her down on the bed. He quickly lied down next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist. She struggled as much as possible to get free from his grip, but he didn't loosened his grip. It was a great torture of her life she pleaded him to stop, "please let me go, Young-soo. Why are you doing this to me?"

"Stop pretending as thought you don't like this," he said in her ear.

Eunbi was scared, her body started to tremble with fear, and cried, "please let me go, Young-soo I'm not ready for this."

He turned her body to his side and made her look at him. As he saw the tears rolled down of her eyes his heart aches, he couldn't withstand to see the tears in her eyes. He wiped off the tears of her face with his index finger. He noticed that she looked so scared and her body was trembling with fear, "I will not do anything to you, stop looking scared, and now close your eyes and sleep, good night." He gets down from the bed, "you sleep here I'll go sleep in the other room," he said and left the room.

Eunbi breathed in relief, and closed her eyes to go to sleep.