I love you, Eunbi

Hoon-suk nudged Young-soo's foot under the table, leaned forward against him, and whispered in his ear, "what are you waiting for, stop looking nerves, and do your best, man."

Young-soo took a deep breath and gets up from his place. As he clapped his hands for twice the waiter runs to his place by carrying a guitar in his hands and gave it to him. Young-soo pulled out a chair from the next table, sat down by facing them. He crossed his legs on the chair, position the guitar properly between his right thigh and right upper arm, clears his throat, and plays the guitar while singing one of his favorite songs thinking out loud from Ed Sheeran's albums. Eunbi was surprised and couldn't guess, for what reason he is doing all these sort of things, and she was speechless with his amazing singing skills, his voice sounds great and she never knew that he could sing so beautifully like a professional.

After he finishes singing the song everyone clapped their hands with a smile. Once everybody stops clapping their hands Young-soo clapped his hands again, this time the waiter comes with a paper wrapped red rose bouquet, Young-soo takes it from him, stalks to Eunbi and gets down on one of his knee in front of her. Eunbi stands up from her place, her eyes are widened in surprise, and her heart was hammering in her chest so loudly it made her ears ring. She bits her bottom lip anxiously, looks down at Young-soo and said, "Yo…Young-soo, w-what are you doing please get up."

He shakes of his head, "no Eunbi I know that it will surprise you but I need to say this to you, please try to understand me. I would love to be your sunshine during the daytime and moonlight during the night time but all I need is a sky to live in, so I want you to be my sky." He takes out the small leather ring box of one of his pant pockets, opens the box shows her the beautiful single diamond platinum ring, "let us end our friendship to start our life as a married couple. I love you, Eunbi. Will you marry me again?"

Lots of thoughts were running into her mind she couldn't know how to express her true feelings to him in front of his friends that she is not in love with him. She feels like she has struck in between the stepping stones footpath walkway of the river, now she needs to take a quick decision whether to cross across the river or return back to the starting point of the river's stepping stones. She shook off her thoughts takes the leather ring box, flower bouquet of his hands, and nods her head by saying yes to his proposal.

Everybody clapped their hands in happiness.

Young-soo was happy to hear the positive answer from her; he stands up straight and jumps up and down with excitement. He carried her up in his strong arms in a bridle style, she was startled with his actions as she was about tell him 'let me down' he spins her around with joy by holding her tight as she clung to him. He let her down on the floor, and kissed her forehead. Then he cups her face with his hands, and held it against his chest, "thank you so much for accepting my proposal and for also coming into my life like an angel I love you Eunbi. I love you more than anything else in this world."

God, please forgive me for playing with his feelings I promise you that as soon we reach home I will tell him the truth until then God please save me Eunbi prayed in her mind.

Young-soo sincerely thanked his friends for spending some of their quality of their time by coming all the way from Seoul to Jeju only because to motivate him. And he separately thanked Jaemin for always giving some advices whenever he felt so low.

Hoon-suk hugged Young-soo saying, "Congratulations my friend." Young-soo thanked him once again for allotting some his time from his busy schedule to come over here to motivate him.

Hoon-suk broke the hug and said, "I am your best friend, Young-soo so please stop thanking me as if a third person." Then he shakes his hands with Eunbi congratulated her, "I hope that you already know that my friend is such a sweet and caring person so take care of each other and live happily with lots of love and understanding." She nodded her head by pressing her lips together tight.

Young-soo grabbed Eunbi's wrist draws her closer to him, takes her right hand in his hand, and removes the wedding ring from her ring finger saying, "I don't want to see this loveless and instant marriage ring on your finger anymore." He takes the ring out of the small leather box, slides it on her ring finger saying, "From now onwards this ring is going to be the symbol of our love and marriage." He takes out another small leather ring box of his pants pocket, gives it to her, and asks her to slide the ring on his ring finger.

She did slide the ring in his ring finger. And as soon as they exchange the rings on their fingers his friends, claps their hands and all of them shouted, "kiss her, kiss her, kiss her," in a chorus.

Eunbi felt as if she was on pins and needles, she puts her head down feeling utterly wrong for making decision without a second thoughts. Young-soo firmly pulls her body against his, takes her chin between his fingers angling her head up to look at him. As their eyes met with one another, "You are mine, only mine, Eunbi," he said huskily. It sends a shiver down her spine and seconds later he brushed his lips with her sweetly and kisses her passionately forgetting that his friends are watching them. It makes her heart pound rapidly. He presses his lips with her one last, slowly pulls back, and rested his forehead against hers.

Everybody responded with loud bursts of cheers, "congratulations Young-soo and Eunbi." Young-soo put his arms of her waist took a deep breath, looked at the sky, and shouted, "Finally, Yoon Eunbi wholeheartedly accepted me as her husband; this is one of the happiest days of my life." He ran to the deep end of the pool removes his t-shirt, pants, and jumps in to the swimming pool with excitement by shouting "woohoo." All of them are surprised with his actions; Young-soo swims happily in the water till he reaches the other end of the pool.

As soon as he emerges out from the pool using the stairs, Eunbi yelled at him with an exasperation look, "Are you insane to jump into the pool under the cold weather?" The water is dripping all over his body, he shakes his head from left and right to get rid of his completely drenched hair. He looks at her eyes, "yes I am crazy for you that's why I'm doing such crazy things, my dear wife" he pinches her cheeks playfully. "I am feeling so cold give me a hug, my love," he said and hugs her by wrapping his arms of her waist. She tries to get free from his hug by putting her hands over his bare waistline with hesitation, but he holds her tightly in his arms and whispered, "I love you."

Tears were threatening her eyes she controls her emotions and said, "Young-soo, dry your body and wear your dress, let's have the dinner and return back to our house I am feeling so tired." He unwrap his arms of her waist, cups her face with his hands, makes her meet his gaze, he leans forward, pecked her lips, "Sure, I'll go wash-up, and join you in few minutes until then have a chat with my friends."

As Young-soo went to the restroom, Hoon-suk approaches Eunbi and asks, "May I have a talk with you?"

"Sure" Eunbi replied.

They sat down at the edges of the pool lounge chairs by facing each other. Hoon-suk took a deep breath before he starts the conversation, "thank you so much for accepting my friend as your husband and for also cherishing his life. It has been so many years since I last saw the happiness in his face." Eunbi just listens his words and wondered God, now why this guy is saying all these to me I don't want to hear such things from him.

"Whenever he behaves rudely or get into arguments with you, in that situation if you tell him politely what he is doing are wrong with some advices he will listen to your words. Moreover if you ask me to say about him in a word I would say his is such a kiddo. I hope that you guys will live happily together and forever. This elder brother's blessings will always be there for you. Hoon-suk said.

As Hoon-suk mentioned him as her elder brother Eunbi was moved with his words and feels so guilty of lying about her true feelings to Young-soo.

While they have the dinner Young-soo shares his experience to everyone in the table about how he has felt for the past few days after finding out that he has fallen in love with her, "I was counting the hours of the days for this moment in my life; you know guys it was like insomnia." Eunbi silently listens to his words by having the dinner. After finishing the dinner everyone is ready to leave the restaurant. In the parking lot, Park Inha, Sohee, Hoon-suk and Jaemin congratulates the couple for one last and wish them to lead a happy married life. The two male friends hug each-other saying, take care and bye-bye to one-another and then the couple gets into their car by waving their hands to them.

During the car ride to avoid talking with Young-soo, Eunbi leans her head on the headrest, closes her eyes and pretends like sleeping until they reach their house.

Once they reach the house Eunbi gets down from the car and headed into their house without waiting for him. It makes him wonder, what's wrong with her is she on her monthly periods? He follows her in to the house; stops her by grabbing her wrist, "what is the matter, is something bothering you?"

"Will you please leave me alone I need some damn space, Young-soo," she said rudely.

He let go of her wrist wondering, what is the reason for her sudden mood change. She gets into her room shuts the door and lies down on the bed on her stomach. I made a huge mistake by saying yes to his proposal why did I say yes to his love proposal when I am not in love with him, I don't know what is going to happen in the future, and how am I going to face the consequences because of my foolish decision. She mutters under the breath by punching the bed furiously.